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Unlock the power of your data

The data you need right at your fingertips, helping you make smarter decisions.

Analyse, understand, and export your event analytics into actionable reports.

Get it all your data, in one place

It’s one account, one place to manage it all, and one-click to see your entire event overview. Report on any metric from pre-sale, real-time, and post-event action.
All your data at a glance
Get a snapshot of your most important analytics with our smart dashboards. Visualise your event performance, revenue, and customer details at a glance, without complicated spreadsheets. It’s easy, accessible, and fully automated!

Eyes on the ground

Creating successful events isn’t just about selling tickets. Our reporting software helps you analyse your events as they happen. Get an immediate gauge of how your events are progressing with real-time capacity reports, on-site product sales, and more.

One platform for all your tools

Create, manage and analyse your campaigns from your dashboard with our add-on extensions.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi efficitur magna turpis, nec accumsan sapien dapibus at. Aliquam imperdiet commodo dui, sit amet laoreet ipsum posuere id. Praesent malesuada magna orci, eu ultrices ante aliquam ac.

Get Started with Tix-Social

Set up, customise and start selling. No hidden fees.
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